Monday, November 9, 2009

Its coming

For my presentation im worried about talkin to the people, i don't know how they will react to me or if they'll even like my topic. I think practicing in class will help me loose some of my fear of stuff. Also it will show me what i should be doing like with work cited and other things. The other thing that im getting to prepared is practicing infront of other people out side of school. Omg i cant believe this is almost over :) im so happy

Thursday, October 15, 2009


agh i don't even know what to write in this blogger anymore, one thing i could say is that i finally finished my paper getting it self edited and peer edited, but sadly i haven't done my action plan yet and also i don't even have one im so worried about this i procrastinated about it for so long and now its like life or death pretty much, i just need to do it and stop putting it off. Wel tonight as the night im calling that lady again for the 4th time too schudule an meeting with her then calling the other lady and think of an action plan to come up with.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

sad face

Why cant i find anyone to interview, everytime i try they run away from me i swear! aghh, why is this grad project so difficult for me!!! ive been concentrating more on it maybe ill do better if i actually do some work.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So, my life sucks.

Yeah so my life sucks because I'm so behind and it makes me so mad. This Monday my goal is to have my notes, outline, and start my website and paper. Those things have to get done, i have no excuses this time. I'm pretty sure as soon as i get those things done ill feel 400% better about my project, right now I'm so stressed and don't even want to think about, oh well i gotta get it done. Also i called the lady yesterday to interview her and of course she didn't answer luckily i left a voicemail i hope she calls back if not I'm going to call he again or find someone else.

Monday, March 23, 2009

and it arrived

Well today I made a Table on excel of a goal i wanted to reach and that was, raising money for animal friends. I finished that and i thought i really need to find someone to interview so i went onto Animal Friends website to find someone to interview, since i am going to donate money to them for my project. I searched under the staff page and found someone who has the title of an animal caregiver so it thought that would be someone who would know about animal abuse since there caring for the animal. So i began to finally start writing my email to her and hopefully i can finish it by tomorrow or Wednesday.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Blah blah Blah

I haven't posted anything to my blog in which seems to be forever.
I was sick all last week so nothing got done here in my grad project. So I'm not sure what i should be working on right now, guess i should get started
By the way i really enjoyed doing my presentation in class it was so easy presenting to everyone.
Today i have accomplished what my proposal is and what I'm doing with it, i also figured out that I'm far behind on my notes and that i should be working on them allot!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Bracelet Idea!!

So I work at a dry cleaners and I was doing an order when I came upon a bracelet, the ones that are gummy like with the writing on it. Then I thought what if i did a fundraiser at school or some were and when someone would donate money I would give them a bracelet. I would get them personalized like it would be purple because that's the color for Animal Abuse and then i would get written on it something like, prevent animal abuse or I don't abuse animals. Some sort of good slogan, to maybe persuade people to buy them. But hey this is the website and an example of the bracelet.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Far Behind...

Yesterday i worked on my Notes for my questions, I didn't get to far on that tho because I wasnt quite sure what I was doing, also Ms.Savido wants us to hand in some of our interview questions and I have no idea what I would ask, or even who I would ask. Since I missed tuesday its putting me behind some.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What to do?

Its been so long since I have posted a blog, since we had the PSSA testing last week and we had our long weekend, then I was absent yesterday because I was sick. So I think im going to ask Ms.Savido what im doing.

Friday, February 6, 2009


After what i watched tonight im really considering becoming vegatarian